Sales and Public Relations Assistant

Posted: 03/09/2025

This position requires a dedicated professional who enjoys multi-tasking. Excellent
verbal and written communication skills, time management, computer systems skills, a
flare for public relations, salesmanship and a passion for organization in the office are
Radio advertising sales – Our network of stations reaches southwestern Ohio with all
original programming. We have been a dependable resource for affordable advertising,
promotions and and branding for many years. Radio ads are sold in a schedule of :30
or :60 commericals, and we have dedicated sponsors who are enjoying results with
monthly budgets from $250 to $2000. Training is provided by the Ohio Association of
Broadcasters and our veteran sales staff.
Traffic management for advertising orders- Traffic is the broadcast term given to the
system of directing the details of the hundreds of commercials, promotional and public
service announcements that are heard daily on radio stations.
It is your duty also to assist in creating advertising copy when broadcast orders are
facilitated. New ad copy is also needed regularly for all advertisers who are heard
continually. Gathering accurate information and utilizing creativity in writing ad scripts
is a never-ending task.
Copy management – An organized system of all advertiser scripts and fact sheets for
live ad-lib spots is necessary and will be your responsibility. This system should be
most easily maintained utilizing our computer network. Current copy verses old, dead
or out-dated copy must be kept organized and accessible. Assisting with client visits to
obtain new ad information will be a valuable part of developing opportunities to
facilitate new or additional sales.

Presentation Materials – Assisting in the creation of better sales presentation materials
is needful. This will also be a great learning experience for you in getting to know the
details of Real Roots Radio and how to best represent the stations to prospective ad
buyers. Keeping rate sheets, coverage maps, program schedules and success stories
from sponsors in presentation form and ready to distribute will be your responsibility.
All of the previously mentioned activities will prepare you with the knowledge needed to
become a productive sales executive. Learning every detail about our stations,
learning how to create commercials that produce results, honing your public relations
and communications skills and developing the best way for you to personally present
our services to advertisers will take time. However, after mastering all of the duties
outlined so far, you will be equipped to facilitate sales creating increased

Many other projects will be under your direction or require your assistance. As office
administrator, you will called upon to assist with many tasks that jump up
unexpectedly. New promotions for major sponsors, community service projects, station
sponsored concerts and events and many other activities call for teamwork and you
will be active with the development and success of all station promotions.
Organizational skills and people skills are the most important qualifications. Keeping
open communications with everyone involved in day to day activities, following through
with tasks, proper planning and time management are all necessary to make our
stations an enjoyable place to work. With the stress of business success, we can’t
forget that we are in the entertainment business, also. Be it audience or advertiser,
people expect radio station employees to have energy and magnetism. People skills
are also the most important element in any administrative or management position.
The success of each employee assisting you guarantees your success. Doing your job
with a smile and a positive attitude creates an environment of courtesy and respect,
which are always required for success.
Part-time or Full-time hours available. Our office functions Monday through Friday
900am-500pm, at 23 E. Second St. Xenia.

Resumes submitted to - Joe Mullins, President and General Manager